Welcome to Lorhill Farm

What we Do!


Lorhill Gardens


Lorhill Meat and Eggs
Lorhill Labyrinth
Lorhill Woodworking

Online Store

Lorhill Farm is located just outside of New Hamburg Ontario.  Our family has lived on this farm for four generations, within those years Lorhill Farm has gone through multiple changes.

For many years Lorhill Farm was a thriving dairy operation, produced and sold greens, farm fresh produce, pasture raised beef and pork.  Now Lorhill has expanded into a compassionate landscaping company, off (and on) farm, as well as raising free range poultry and eggs, and sharing the beauty and bounty of our property through our outdoor labyrinth, road side stand and skilled woodworking.

We strive to have a positive impact on the people we work with and the earth we inhabit; because Lorhill loves the land and also happens to love those who live on it.

To get in touch with Lorhill Farm please fill out the form below.

Blessings from the Lorhill family.


New Hamburg, Ontario


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